Are you feeling stuck trying to grow your platform? Try posting one video-a-day.

Join us for this challenge where you post one video a day on either Tik Tok or Instagram (as a Reel).

We’re starting our Serious Writer Tik Tok channel from ZERO so we thought this would be a great time to grow together.

Here’s what’s going on…

We’ve got lots of info on this in our Facebook group so we’re taking all that content we shared and putting it here, in one spot, for you! Be sure to join the Family Facebook group! Cyle and Bethany (the Serious Writer co-owners) are challenging each other on how many views they get for each video. Side note: Bethany is losing. Bigly.)

A couple of ideas:

Connect on Tik Tok

Connect on Instagram

Bonus platform: Discord

There is a lot of discussion and Q&A happening in our Serious Writer Family Discord right now.
Join us:

Share your Thoughts


Written by Bethany

June 12, 2021

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