Google Analytics and SEO

Google Analytics and SEO

Today’s Writers Chat was amazing – and we only scratched the surface inside the world of Google Analytics and SEO. Our special guest is Doug Motel, an award-winning writer and SEO and website coach.

Below the Blab replay, you’ll find Bethany’s notes from the episode. If they don’t make sense (ha!) make sure to leave a comment so we can clarify! Although, we definitely recommend watching the replay so you can learn from Doug himself!

1. You Have to Set it Up

Google gives you free tools, but you have to drop the info on the site so they can talk back and forth.

There is a Google Analytics Plugin you can use, but you can also get the code from Google and put in the website coding.

2. Get the Code

Have a gmail account. (Google hosted).

Google “Google Analytics” and create the account.

From the home page, Admin >

3. Put it before the Closing Body Tag.

Note: Control + U pops up HTML.

Pretty soon near the top, you’ll see the [body] that’s the browser talking to all the things. “The body of the web page is coming.” The closing body tag is near the end of that. [/body]

In WordPress:
Appearance > Editor > Footer

The footer is at the bottom. You’ll see the “/body” which indicates it’s the end of the body section. Take the code and paste it in before the “/body” and save. It will drop the secret code into every page that has a footer.

[Tweet ““You won’t turn into a pillar of salt if you look at the HTML!” – @SiteOptimized #WritersChat #SEO”]


1. Acquisitions

Will break it down to percentages – visitors coming from organic search

See the keywords – are people typing in things that brought them to you and discovered you.

2. Referrals

Other sites linking to yours.

3. Social

This needs to be high!

4. Direct

Don’t want all the traffic coming from this. These people already know you.

Questions & Best Practices for Using Google Analytics and SEO

1. How do I find the analytics on my specific posts?

Behavior > Overview

Can put a time frame in here – perimeters (In the last year, what was my most popular blog?) It will default to a month view, but you can limit it, even checking only Christmas day, if you want. You can also see if traffic is coming from your blog or from Facebook.

2. What else can I tell from Google Analytics?

Several things, but we mention in this episode that you can see which keywords were used, or if a blogger linked to it.

3. A Tip for Great Search Engine Optimization:
Put your keywords in the title tag of the website. [Title] in the first ten lines.

This is the #1 way to talk to Google – but what usually ends up in the title are the words “blog” and “about,” which are the default. Change the title tag so that Google sees it. Yoast calls it the “snippet.”

Keep it to 70 characters (not any longer). You’re already ranking for overall brand, so for example, Bethany’s post (If you Want to Date my Son…) use keywords “christian parenting” — or do a keyword discovery (Google Adwords for the keyword tool) — or “parenting Christian boys.”

4. What is a bounce rate?

The bounce rate shows the number of people who come to your site and leave immediately.

A “good” bounce rate depends on industry and business, but for a goal – shoot for no greater than 30%.

5. Where do I find my site’s bounce rate?

It’s on the first page – in Google Analytics.

6. Tip: “Linking Out” on your Blog

It’s great to post outgoing links in your blog, but make sure you’re linking out to credible resources. Google likes it when we give great resources with established audiences. Just linking to your friends makes Google think you’re reciprocal linking – no value. #GoogleFootsie


[Tweet “If you have a sense of play and fun with this “game of Google,” you’ll move forward faster.” – @SiteOptimized”]


Use the Webmaster Tool, also called “Search Console.”

Doug created “Draw Talk Write” to help nonfiction authors draw out their mind maps. You can get a first draft done super fast.

If you find that you have dead links in a guest post, you can go back to those blogs and give them an updated link.

[reminder]We will definitely have Doug back with us. If you have questions about SEO or any of the notes didn’t make sense, let us know in the comments.[/reminder]

Keep Up the Hustle

What an amazing Writers Chat session today! Kevin Buchanan, author of The World Needs Your Hustle, (available Jan 2016) shared his 4 Steps to Accomplishing ANY goal, and we shared why and how to use a word for your year’s resolution.

Check it out here:
Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. @kevinbuchanan

Kevin Buchanan’s 4 step system to accomplishing your goals:

  1. Get specific – What do you want? What is your goal? Now narrow it. Get even more specific to focus your on your goal. 
  2. Determine your why. Why do you want to accomplish that goal? There is always a deeper reason WHY you want to accomplish your goal. 
  3. Create an action plan. What can you do this week to get you closer to your goal?
  4. Celebrate your accomplishment! What can you do to reward yourself after 30 days.

What is your word of the year for 2016? 

Mine is mogul.[Tweet “Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. Via @kevinbuchanan”]

Setting Goals

  • Don’t announce a huge goal at the beginning of Jan
  • Start from the smallest to the largest goal 
  • Starting small is ok because bigger opportunities will come
  • Be realistic – you can’t do it all in one day

What do you have to do today to get you goals accomplished by the end of the year?