Keep Up the Hustle

What an amazing Writers Chat session today! Kevin Buchanan, author of The World Needs Your Hustle, (available Jan 2016) shared his 4 Steps to Accomplishing ANY goal, and we shared why and how to use a word for your year’s resolution.

Check it out here:
Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. @kevinbuchanan

Kevin Buchanan’s 4 step system to accomplishing your goals:

  1. Get specific – What do you want? What is your goal? Now narrow it. Get even more specific to focus your on your goal. 
  2. Determine your why. Why do you want to accomplish that goal? There is always a deeper reason WHY you want to accomplish your goal. 
  3. Create an action plan. What can you do this week to get you closer to your goal?
  4. Celebrate your accomplishment! What can you do to reward yourself after 30 days.

What is your word of the year for 2016? 

Mine is mogul.[Tweet “Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. Via @kevinbuchanan”]

Setting Goals

  • Don’t announce a huge goal at the beginning of Jan
  • Start from the smallest to the largest goal 
  • Starting small is ok because bigger opportunities will come
  • Be realistic – you can’t do it all in one day

What do you have to do today to get you goals accomplished by the end of the year?