Today’s Blab was a fun reunion. We met Randy Tramp (@Randy77) through live streaming, got to meet in person at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, and now came full-circle with him being a guest on our show.

Tidbits from today’s show:

  • Write thank you notes to the publishing professionals you met with.
    This can be done via email, social media (where appropriate), or to their address if it’s provided. The latter option may not be readily available, although our Keynote speaker Robert Benson does have his address listed in the back of his book, Dancing on the Head of a Pen (kindle version here).
  • How to stay connected with people you met
    • Twitter lists
    • Friend-ing on social media. Facebook is great avenue for this.
    • Update your address book with their contact info so you can easily send an email if needed.

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Written by Bethany

June 8, 2016

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