Insights from a Literary Agent: Children’s Writing

Insights from a Literary Agent: Children’s Writing

In case you missed you missed this week’s episode of the Serious Writer Podcast, here is a Cyle Young’s insight on Childrens Writing. As you read below and want to hear more on these topics and other topics, check out the Serious Writer Podcast (Available on Google Play, Apple Podcast, Spotify or wherever podcasts are available).

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There’s a common misconception that every story needs to have some sort of moral lesson, but this isn’t true. This traditional takeaway has been something writers struggle with in order for their work to be seen as “good” or worth reading. There are no concrete answers when it comes down to how they should endow these characters.

But of course, you have to. The character needs some kind of journey that they embark on and demonstrate change throughout it all.

But kids are allowed to read a story just for fun!

There’s this idea in our society today where if we write stories geared towards children then those books have morals or teaching lessons at their end. You don’t necessarily need such heavy-handedness when writing something meant for entertainment.

It’s no secret that kids are hungry for entertainment. They can’t be bored, and they want to stay engaged in something interesting all day long. As a result, books must now provide more than just informational text; instead, authors should strive towards creating immersive worlds where young readers become fully immersed up until the very end! You’re competing against video games/phones etc., so stories need “something different.”

As a children’s author, one of the most important things you can do to keep your audience engaged and interested in what they’re reading is by making every word matter.

Kids have limited attention spans so it’s vital that when writing for this age group; instead of flowing into long sentences or paragraphs with an extensive vocabulary. Use simple words which will be easier on their brains!

I think it’s no surprise we’re seeing so much popularity in middle grades with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. These books are great for kids who need constant stimulation and don’t have the attention span to sustain long novels, but still want something more than just cartoons or comics.


1:26 10 Tips for children’s writing
1:42 Moral Dilemma
2:58 Entertainment
4:45 Hangout with kids (Know Your audience)
10:39 Short and Sweet

2022 Marketing & Genre Intensives-Last Chance

2022 Marketing & Genre Intensives-Last Chance

The 2022 Marketing & Genre Intensive is filling fast, so don’t delay! You’ll experience personalized attention from our experts to get your questions answered and a wealth of knowledge on how you can grow your platform quickly into targeted readers. We’ll also help maximize time spent marketing with proven strategies for an upcoming book launch or relaunch–Sign up today before space runs out – there’s limited availability in these workshops and they fill fast.


Your Registration Includes… A FULL day of marketing and platform training with literary agent Cyle Young, who has grown his platform to almost half-a-million in less than two years. Two bonus calls allow you to participate in a pre-conference video call with the other attendees and instructors to answer questions and help you prep. Lunches is on the house, as we deliver amazing meals and some of the best homemade desserts you’ve ever tasted. An all the recordings are included in the price of registration…no hidden fees and no surprise up-sells!


Agents. Publishing house owners. Editors. Marketing strategists. Bestselling & Award-winning authors.

Literary Agent Cyle Young has sold over 300 books for his clients in his career, is the author of Michigan Motivations, and has built his own platform to over half-a-million followers in less than two years, and

Bestselling author of Chasing Sunsets and Word Weavers Int’l Founder and President Eva Marie Everson is a renowned editor and coach, as well as the director of the Florida Christian Writers Conference.

“Cornerstone Strategist” Bethany Jett has won awards for 100% of her nonfiction books (from YA trade to adult inspirational) including The Cinderella Rule, her ghostwriting, articles, and marketing.

 Michelle Medlock Adamsbestselling children’s book author with almost 5 MILLION books sold is also a NYT bestselling ghostwriter and the editor of children’s publishing house Wren & Bear Books.

For more information and Registration please click the link below:

Serious Writer Podcast Ep.2 Overview

Serious Writer Podcast Ep.2 Overview


In Episode 2 of the Serious Writer Podcast Bethany Jett and Cyle Young discuss:

1:26 10 Tips for children’s writing
1:42 Moral Dilemma
2:58 Entertainment
4:45 Hangout with kids (know your audience)
10:39 Short and Sweet
12:06 The mentor influencer research method
15:05 Social media and research
22:09 Fiction Writing Tips
23:29 Don’t start with “weather”
25:16 Prologues
32:21 NO Exclamation Points!!!!! (except for Bethany’s exception!)
35:55 Don’t use Dialects
38:15 Conclusion, Second Annual Intensive, and Contest Details

Serious Writer Podcast Ep.1 Overview

Serious Writer Podcast Ep.1 Overview


In the very first Serious Writer Podcast Bethany Jett and Cyle Young discuss:
Tips and exercises for writers
Understanding story structure & Character development
Write to Sell
Write now edit later, get feedback from others, think about publishing
How not to write a book? (Susan Shapiro)
Closing statements and Contest Details