Genre Chat – Project Spotlight: Heart Song – With Aaron Gansky & Cindy Sproles

Genre Chat – Project Spotlight: Heart Song – With Aaron Gansky & Cindy Sproles

In addition to being a loving father and husband, Aaron Gansky is an award-winning novelist, teacher, and podcast host. In 2009, he earned his M.F.A in Fiction at the prestigious Antioch University of Los Angeles, one of the top five low-residency writing schools in the nation. Prior to that, he attained his Bachelor of Arts degree in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from California State University of San Bernardino, where he studied, in part, under Bret Anthony Johnston, now the Director of Creative Writing at Harvard University.

His first novel The Bargain (2013, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas) was a finalist for the Selah Award for debut novel. Two years later, The Book of Things to Come (2015, Brimstone Fiction), the first book in his Hand of Adonai YA Fantasy series, won the Selah Award for YA Fiction. He has written two books on the craft of fiction; Firsts in Fiction: First Lines and Write to Be Heard (with Diane Sherlock). To find out more about his books, visit
As a Creative Writing teacher in California, he brings his expertise on the craft to several writing conferences around America where he speaks on a variety of topics.

In 2013 he began his Firsts in Fiction Podcast with Steve McLain. Shortly after, Heather Luby joined the line up. Lately, he chats with his father, novelist Alton Gansky, about elements of the craft. Each week they dispense practical, in-depth analyses of how to write powerful fiction.
You may find Aaron on Twitter (@adgansky) and Facebook.

Kaye Morrison is the pen name of Cindy K. Sproles. She is an author, novelist, and speaker. Cindy is the cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries and the Managing Editor for Straight Street Books and SonRise Devotionals, both imprints of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Cindy is the Author of the best-selling novel, Mercy’s Rain. She writes under Kaye Morrison for the romance genre.