Interbrews 40 – WandaVision SPOILER FILLED Review Part 2

Interbrews 40 – WandaVision SPOILER FILLED Review Part 2

The Brew & Ink Crew discuss the problems with WandaVision and things they didn’t like. Then we talk about the future of the MCU after Wanda. Check out this fun episode and let us know what you thought of WandaVision!

Listen here:

In this episode:

What were some of the problems with WandaVision?

What did we wish they had done better?

What were some of the plot holes?

How did this fit into the MCU?

What’s the future hold for the MCU?


Interbrews 38 – Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 3 SPOILER FILLED Review!

Interbrews 38 – Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 3 SPOILER FILLED Review!

The final season! The showdown! The romance! The action! It’s all here and more in season 3 of Avatar the Last Airbender. Join the Brew & Ink Crew as they discuss the good, the bad, and the awesome of the final season. With special guest.

In this episode:

Micah Mooney joins the guys for the season 3 review.

Quick recap and where we are in the show.

How was season 3 different?

What were some of the favorite parts of season 3?

What were some things we didn’t like?

What is the legacy of the show?


Interbrews 35 – Mandalorian ch11&12 SPOILER-FILLED Review

Interbrews 35 – Mandalorian ch11&12 SPOILER-FILLED Review

The Mandalorian is taking over the world! Join the Brew & Ink crew as we review and discuss chapters 11&12 (episodes 3&4 of season 2). Check it out and let us know your favorite parts of those episodes!

Listen here:

In this episode:

The Brew & Ink Crew discuss chapter 11, ep 3 of season 2.

What did they like about the episode?

Were there any plot holes?

The Crew discuss chapter 12, ep 4 of season 2.

What did they like about the episode?

Were there any plot holes?

The Crew discuss the great balance of how the Mandalorian satisfies new fans and the old Star Wars geeks.


Interbrews 32 – Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Review!

Interbrews 32 – Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Review!

40 Years ago, Empire Strikes Back hit the theaters. One of the best movies of all time and the best of the Star Wars canon, authors MB Mooney and Steven Faletti went to the theater to experience it once again. Hear our thoughts and insights of a movie we know by heart.

Listen here:

In this episode:

Why is Empire the best Star Wars movie?

How was Empire a great example of expert writing?

How did George Lucas succeed in making a sequel better than the original?

Author MB Mooney shares his first experience with Empire Strikes Back.

How is Empire one of the best movies of all time?

What can we learn from the writing of Empire?


Interbrews 28 – Star Wars – Rise of Skywalker SPOILER FILLED Review

Interbrews 28 – Star Wars – Rise of Skywalker SPOILER FILLED Review

Now that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is out on Disney plus, the Brew & Ink crew sat down and discussed the movie from a writer’s perspective. Enjoy this SPOILER FILLED Review!

Check it out here:

In this episode:

What did the Brew & Ink Crew like about The Rise of Skywalker?

What did they NOT like?

What can we learn as writers from the movie?

How does this fit or not fit in the Star Wars universe?
