5 Tips for TikTok Beginners

5 Tips for TikTok Beginners

TikTok is a powerful social media platform that has quickly become the go-to for most people. If you’re new to TikTok and need some tips on how best to utilize this app, look no further! Here are five simple ways of using it:

Post 3-6 Times a Day

Starting out you will want to post 3-6 times a day on TikTok. Posting that frequently gives you the opportunity to reach many different types of audiences, which will help grow your account more quickly!
Make sure there’s some variety in the content you submit each week – sometimes we teach our followers how to do something related to our niche and other times they might just see us being funny or even dancing if this is something I’m good at 😉 The choice ultimately depends upon what fits best with personality as well as audience/goals; however, it should try not to be boring, or you’ll be just another swipe.

TikTok Trends

Join in on any trends you see for the For You page! The reason something is trending means that everyone else has been doing it. This gives an opportunity to jump into this trend and put your own twist with what interests or feeds into who are as well. it’ll give your video something unique while still keeping within Niche genres like Comedy or News which are popular right now in order for viewers’ interest to remain engaged throughout their time spent watching them.


There’s more than one way to put your content on display and some people might not be aware of the power behind hashtags. Make sure you use at least 300,000-1 million viewers targeted for your video because if they are too popular then it might be difficult for people who don’t know about them yet to see what all the hype was about and miss out!

Repurpose Content

TikTok is great for creating content that you can later repurpose on other platforms like Facebook and Instagram. When people enjoy your videos outside of TikTok, they’ll have another reason to come back! By repurposing content on other platforms you save time and effort, as well as doubling or tripling your odds of getting views.

Watch Time

The algorithm that runs TikTok is a complex system, but one thing you can do to help popularize your content and make yourself more visible on the platform is to sure people are watching! If your video has over 85% watch time it’s doing really well. The goal should be to get 100% or higher! The higher the watch time (coupled with a few other factors) will get you that much closer to having that 10K, 100K, or 1M video.

If you’re looking for a way to grow your following online, TikTok definitely seems like the perfect platform. It’s easier than other social media sites and doesn’t require as much strategy or effort – but don’t let its convenience fool ya! These basic tips will help get more views on videos; they just might take a little time.

All photos provided by https://pixabay.com/

Cyle Insight on Childrens Writing – Serious Writer

7 Tips for Freelance Writers – Serious Writer

Serious Writer Podcast Ep.2 Overview – Serious Writer

Beating Writer’s Block: 3 Tips to Write your Best

Beating Writer’s Block: 3 Tips to Write your Best


What if I told you there was no such thing as writer’s block? Here are 3 quick tips for beating writer’s block.
The only time a person gets “writer’s block” is when they stop writing. And even then, it doesn’t exist because by not doing anything we create an idea in our head and make ourselves think about what comes next instead of just sitting around waiting for something to come along naturally like magic!

Do not be afraid to Fail

Your writing might not be perfect, but that’s the whole point. In fact, the more you do it the better! When you stop being afraid and allow yourself the freedom to just write, your words will come out more creatively and with a better tone of voice. And yes, I am going to edit later either way so…

Don’t set unreachable goals

Remember that writer who sat down and wrote a novel in one night? Yeah, I don’t either. Setting goals is an important part of any personal development journey, but it’s also something that can be challenging. The first step to goal-setting success should always involve setting achievable targets and not unrealistic objectives because if they are too high then you’re more likely just going to backslide instead of improving yourself in some form or fashion.



When you’re feeling stuck in a creative rut, it can be tempting to give up on all your projects. But the reality of life is that we will often only work on one thing at once–and if this doesn’t click for some reason or another-you just switch over until something does!

You are not blocked, you just got too much greatness going.

There are so many great ideas in your head but nothing that meets the criteria for greatness! The key here though is not to get discouraged when it feels like there isn’t anything worth writing about; instead focus on what inspires or interests YOU personally – because after all this will be something only made up by yourself anyway :). Also check out our article 6 Tips for Beginners.

Online tools can help any writer

Online tools can help any writer

The content you create should be engaging, but it’s hard to do when there are so many other writers out in the world. Online tools can help any writer by automating certain tasks and giving feedback on quality through algorithms!


Plagiarism Checker

When you’re rewriting other people’s ideas, there is a chance that your output will contain copied lines from what was already published. This can cause severe problems for both the site and its author in later searches on Google if they are found plagiarizing content or taking credit without permission to publish the same thing again elsewhere. To escape these mishaps, all original research must be included within each article so it isn’t detected as duplicate reports across different webpages/publications, etc., which would lead directly towards penalties such as punishment including being labeled “plagiarized” by authorities like search engines like google who take very seriously their responsibility protecting the integrity. So, running your work through a plagiarism tool such as Quetext or Grammarly is worth it to avoid future headaches.

Grammar Checker

Humans are not perfect and it’s difficult to detect every single error from lengthy writings, which is why some people use online grammar checker tools such as Grammarly. These websites will check the content of your article for you; they’ll highlight words that disturb its fluency (i..e., make reading more challenging).

Virtual Notepads

With these tools, you can create ideas and notes quickly. The features allow for different font styles that are available on online platforms as well! You’ll be able to generate quality content with ease using the many options at your fingertips


Summarizing tools

These AI-based tools are great for condensing long articles into easy-to-read summaries. They’ll do it faster than anyone else could ever hope while still maintaining accuracy so 99% percent chance everything gets summarized correctly (and sometimes even more)! These AI-based computer programs crawl deep into the text; looking at every sentence individually before making their summary based on what really matters most about each point–which means less time wasted

When you are looking for a way to make your writing more creative and engaging, it’s time to consider using online tools. These can help automate tasks that keep writers focused on the task at hand while they’re working away in their favorite environment – whether it’s relaxing at home or sitting back with some coffee during lunch break! And if you’re just starting your writing adventure, check out 6 Writing Tips for Beginners – Serious Writer.

Genre Chat – A Writer’s Focus for the New Year – Cherrilynn Bisbano

Genre Chat – A Writer’s Focus for the New Year – Cherrilynn Bisbano

Cherrilynn Bisbano is an award-winning writer. She founded The Write Proposal after reading hundreds of book proposals with avoidable errors. These errors cost the author a contract or representation. As a submission reader and junior literary agent, Cherrilynn wants you to succeed. Her desire is to help you present a professional and memorable proposal. She has written proposals for Paws for Effect, a Hollywood movie company, and helped edit many proposals. As the managing editor of Almost an Author, she helped the website earn the #6 spot on the Top 100 best writing websites for 2018 by The Write Life and Top 101 Websites for writers with Writers Digest.

Cherrilynn can be reached at editor@thewriteproposal.com
For more information about the Write Proposal visit www.thewriteproposal.com

Show Notes

     The New Year is just around the corner. As writers, it’s important to fine tune our senses and discipline our minds so that we can capture the events unfolding around us and share the experience with others. We’ve compiled a list of personal goals that we hope will serve as a guide to refocusing the writer’s mind in the New Year.

1. You don’t have to wait for a New Year to refocus your mind. You don’t even have to wait for a new day. You can refocus your writing journey in a new second. The most important choice is the next one, because that choice can change everything.

2. Treat writing as a job, and not as a hobby. A dedicated writer is not defined by whether or not they are published, but by how seriously they take their writing career. Write every day. Start with small attainable goals, even if it’s just 15 minutes of writing a day. Write even when inspiration isn’t there and doesn’t seem to come. Some of the best scenes and chapters are written when you draw from your skill and talent rather than random spikes of inspiration.

3. Every good writer is a good reader. Studying the craft is important for every writer, no matter where they are in the journey to publication. Even bestselling authors constantly improve their skill and read other bestselling books to deepen their knowledge of the craft. Reading allows us to observe the subtle techniques of good writing.

4. Write about your experiences. During each experience, whether stressful, beautiful or exciting, view each moment through a writer’s perspective. Take note of how each emotion catches in your chest. How can those feelings be described in such a way that a reader would identify and share the emotion with you or your character? Stop, look and listen to the world around you. Listen to the way people converse in a restaurant. Absorb every sound in nature. Learn from the technical jargon used in doctors’ offices and repair shops. Details observed in the chaotic dance of every environment can make your stories vibrant.

5. Network with other writers and broaden your knowledge of the craft. Many writers’ websites, including Serious Writer, have courses and content on the craft of writing. Attending a writers’ conference broadens an author’s opportunity and creates amazing connections with other writers.

Write for knowledge, write for entertainment and write for healing. We are communicators, and whether our writing inspires one person or millions, each word is worth our full passion and dedication. Each New Year provides a clean slate, but every moment is a new start.