Publishing and Radio

Publishing and Radio

Athena Dean Holtz is the co-founder of Redemption Press and host of Always Faithful Radio Group, mentions the book Nam Vet: Making Peace with your Past (paperback here | e-book here) and how it sold 10,000 copies before it got a press behind it and has gone on to sell hundreds of thousands. Self-publishing can be an incredible tool, especially if you have an already-built audience.

Athena’s Publishing Tips

  • Be teachable!!! Use an editor, and critique group!
  • Have someone critique who isn’t your “yes” person and doesn’t know your entire back story. Too much familiarity can cause your reader to subconsciously fill in the gaps.
  • A speaker (or anyone who has a built-in audience) may need product right away – and self-publishing is a great way to fill this need.
  • Recommends Lightning Source for Print on Demand
  • Take the Time to Set Up:
    • Cover
    • Editing & Critiquing
    • Layout
  • Walk around Barnes and Noble and check out what you like. Write down your themes and commonalities so you can get the branding you want.

Always Faithful Radio Show

Athena is the host of the Always Faithful Radio Show on You can check out her author interviews on Fridays at 1 PM and you can catch her Periscoping the live interview and the replays here!

Tips for Being Interviewed on the Radio

  1.  Make sure to have suggested questions so you know where the conversation is going.
  2. Have your answers to the questions ready!
  3. Think through a sound byte answer {15-30 seconds max}, and give that first. If they ask more, they will ask.
  4. Don’t be long-winded. The host needs to pop in and “refresh” with the audience.

Keep Up the Hustle

What an amazing Writers Chat session today! Kevin Buchanan, author of The World Needs Your Hustle, (available Jan 2016) shared his 4 Steps to Accomplishing ANY goal, and we shared why and how to use a word for your year’s resolution.

Check it out here:
Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. @kevinbuchanan

Kevin Buchanan’s 4 step system to accomplishing your goals:

  1. Get specific – What do you want? What is your goal? Now narrow it. Get even more specific to focus your on your goal. 
  2. Determine your why. Why do you want to accomplish that goal? There is always a deeper reason WHY you want to accomplish your goal. 
  3. Create an action plan. What can you do this week to get you closer to your goal?
  4. Celebrate your accomplishment! What can you do to reward yourself after 30 days.

What is your word of the year for 2016? 

Mine is mogul.[Tweet “Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. Via @kevinbuchanan”]

Setting Goals

  • Don’t announce a huge goal at the beginning of Jan
  • Start from the smallest to the largest goal 
  • Starting small is ok because bigger opportunities will come
  • Be realistic – you can’t do it all in one day

What do you have to do today to get you goals accomplished by the end of the year?

Writing Goals and Dreams for 2016

Are you prepared for this new year? We are spinning off of Tamsen Horton’s Quarterly Planning system (click here to see it!). See how Bethany, Jean, and Johnnie each plan out their writing and business calendars here:

How to set realistic goals:

  1. Know what works your business may not work for everyone and vice versa!
  2. Know your core why or reason you established your business. Your why is crucial to your goals, dreams, and living a fulfilled life.
  3. Planning helps you respect your time, including the weekends and rest time!

Writer’s Chat Overview

Tip: Turn off the computer to get more things done! Be sure to establish boundaries for family time and sleep, although as an entrepreneur, you are going to lose some sleep.

[Tweet “Your why is crucial to your goals, dreams, and living a fulfilled life. @_kevinbuchanan”]

I am currently reading Essentialism by Greg McKeown {kindle version here}. – This has inspired my weekly goal setting idea.

Jean’s new book Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room, an advent devotional just released on Amazon. {Click here for the kindle version.}

Final Thoughts

  • You can control your platform, your pitch, and your proposal to further your writing career.
  • Get serious. Join the Serious Writer Academy.
  • Don’t forget about upcoming Florida Christian Writers Conference in 2016. Be sure to sign up and dedicate your time to becoming a better writer.
  • As @Jeanwise says, “You can’t plan all day, you have to take action!”

Writers Chat: Writing and Researching Historical Fiction

We have a treat today on Writers Chat! Our guest is New York Times bestselling author Liz Tolsma, who talks about writing and researching historical romance.

Historical Fiction: The dilemma of what is true and what is fiction.

Writer’s Chat Blab with Liz Tolsma, Johnnie Alexander , and Jean Wise.

Liz Tolsma’s Journey

  • Historical fiction inspired her in the 5th grade
  • Decided to follow her passion, but it wasn’t easy
  • Getting published did not happen overnight
  • The Lord perfected the timing in her writing
  • Inspired by true events in her family’s military history

What are you allowed to write about a real person without misinterpreting their past?

    • Be true to their character
    • Be careful not to defame them
    • Research their past
    • Find a primary source such as a diary
    • Interview people who knew them

Where do you find firsthand accounts?

    • Google is a great source, but always verify your research
    • Never rely on Wiki, although it can lead you to a good source
    • Librarians serve as a great resource
    • Use your own family history as a story idea
    • Collect photos for your character ideas

Use Pinterest to inspire locations in your book. Check out Liz’s Pinterest page here

Final Thoughts

  • When characters surprise you or the story leads you in a different direction, you can experience the true joy of writing
  • Reach other through your writing and tailor your message to different audiences
  • True stories can inspire your writing
  • You are meeting the people right now that could inspire a best selling novel

Contact Liz on Facebook and Twitter and visit her website here

Inside a Writer’s Toolkit

Inside a Writer’s Toolkit

Today’s topic is resources – the tools we use to make our lives easier. Join us to hear about your favorite tips and tools, as well as add some great apps to your arsenal.

The live stream and replay are below. To subscribe to the show or join in the chat, please click here to go to the stream.